Hello all! I have a quick and easy tool for teaching reading.
On Pinterest I saw an egg that had letters and word family ending attached by tape to it. I thought about that but in my family the tape would most likely get eaten off or chewed on. So I changed things a bit to match the needs of my family and here is what I came up with.
I took a permanent marker and and a light colored egg. I put a word family ending on the 4 cardinal directions on the bottom of the egg. On the top of the egg I put 8 letters that would match most of the word family endings. Then I set the egg up for the night to be sure it dried without smears.
There are a couple letters that don’t match the bottom but that is not a big problem. I just twist the egg past those letters or I have my child sound out the letters and ask them if it is a real word or not. That is great practise for sounding out words that they don’t know.
This is a fun way to use those Easter eggs. I hope you enjoy
Anna Rounseville says
This is one of those “head slap why didn’t I ever think of that” ideas. I’m going to go look through the house and see if I can find a plastic egg to do this idea with. (right now just afterschooling/homework/brainstorming with youngest to help him retain/learn what he’s learning in reg. school, he starts P.S. again on Wednesday) he had 6 week extended school year during the summer, so we just chilled the last couple weeks.