As I researched and looked through the articles, site, and papers on intellect I found some interesting things. One IQ does not equal great accomplishment. There is thought that Einstein’s IQ was 168. That is not the highest IQ out there. Einstein was incredibly accomplished, so what is the difference? Two gifted people have a higher than average amount of ADHD and sensory issues. One site suggested that it is caused by their never ending need to input information and keep thinking. Three a gifted person with a passion can change the world!
So how do we assist our children from a large intellectual ability and focus that into accomplishment?
What does your child yearn to do? Find that one thing that your child will jump up every morning and run to do. Work with them developing and nurturing their heart as well as their intellect. Don’t focus on what would make the most money, or bring the most scholarships. If your child develops a passion and runs with it he will want to be accomplished in that field. Take a child that wants to cook. That may not be a typical field you think of when you think of gifted intellect. Have you considered that this is more an outpouring a creative talent, they have a passion to create. Later this passion may be focused on other things. What a delight your child will be if they continue their desire to create good things. This world needs creators not destroyers!
We have created an atmosphere that encourages passion. Now we need to focus on the long haul. Life is not fair. There will be troubles along the path. The most accomplished people will look at the troubles and push through. They are not out of touch with problems, rather they are aware and chose to keep going. This persistence is the opposite of what the ADHD is internally urging your child to do. Keep it in mind but ADHD or sensory is not an excuse to quit. If we teach our children that when they meet resistance to find an easier way or to try something else. We ask them to keep repeating the intro to some topic. How sad…they will never get through to the more advanced levels for a lack of persistence. If you start a project stick with it through to your goal.
You have a passion for a subject. You have learned to presist through the bumps and storms of life. Now the final ingredient that delineates between a high IQ person and a highly accomplished world changer. Productivity. If you never produce anything it stays in your head and dies with you. If Newton had thought “gee, this gravity thing is neat…I’ll write about it tomorrow. Or maybe next week after the dinner.” His idea of gravity and subsequent scientific work would never have seen the light of day. We need to help our child move from their passion and unfocused desire to study a subject, to a more focused goal oriented ability to show the world what they are thinking. This can been shown through art work, scientific experimentation, math problem.
The world is not an open book, not everything has been found. Help your child move from a wonderfully brilliant but unfocused child to a world changer. Finding their passion and working with it. Teaching that persistence will pay off. Finally getting that wonderful information out of their brain! Your gifted child will change the world. The Lord has a plan for them. We are preparing the worker to be ready for any task the Lord sets before us.
Special note to the gifted daughter’s
I tested as gifted in my elementary years. I found the gifted classed boring finally by high school while I was very academically accomplished and in every after school activity I could find I was bored. I was pushed to be “something”. I was told time and again there was more for me..out there. There was just not as those teachers and my parents thought.
I was called to be a mother. I never would have guessed that. I have found my passion serving the Lord and raising my family. I have been taught persistence, life isn’t easy but it is worth the hard fight! I have become productive. I have 5 children on earth. I have begun writing and speaking. I am going and helping where the Lord points. I am changing the world.