How do you reshape a nation? You train the young in the way you desire them to go. You will have to wait years for the final product but in the grand scheme of changing a nation one generation is not long. Many of us have seen that change and thus we homeschool.
Zero to Five
This program comes straight from the Obama/Biden election material and it has been echoed through the past two years by Obama, and his Secretary of Education. They estimated that it would cost about $10 Billion dollars a year to “provide critical supports to young children and their parents.”
• Create Early Learning Challenge Grants to stimulate and help fund state “zero to five” efforts. Early Learning Challenge Grants “will help states create a seamless system of
early learning”
• Quadruple the number of eligible children for Early Head Start, increase Head Start funding and improve quality for both. This number makes me wonder about the estimate of $10 Billion. The government and especially this administration has fuzzy math skills. I fear this program would be much more expensive than suggested. Then we would face yet another education program that is underfunded and/or driving the nation into deeper debt.
• Work to ensure all children have access to pre-school. “Encourage All States to Adopt Voluntary, Universal Pre-School” There are some many buzz words in that statement I don’t know where to start. When is the cut off? 6 weeks, 6 months, 2 years??? When talking Zero to Five would the government now be taking on straight babysitting in large nurseries? Ohh this is too Matrix-y for my taste.
• Provide affordable and high-quality child care that will promote child development and ease the burden
on working families. One way they suggested in the election to ease the burden on working families was,”Expand the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit.” This has already been chucked to the side. I also find bothersome the discussion that only 2 or 3 children receive the credit as means to encourage smaller families. Yes, it’s the whole greenhouse gases, Al Gore hysteria, we are going to die in a flaming ball due to climate change crowd that suggested that, Science Czar John Holdren.
• Create a Presidential Early Learning Council to increase collaboration and program coordination across
federal, state, and local levels.
“it is not enough to ensure children will arrive at school ready to
learn.” what does that mean…it is not explained.
I can hear the argument now, we need a computer tracking system for children so no child falls threw the cracks. Find some horrible story to flash in front of people (sad for child but politically perfect for this situation). Politicians all across the board are told a vote against this budget and new laws to help us track kids is a vote that you HATE kids and are privately a vile person! So everyone votes yes, some sheepishly but yes none-the-less.
So now we have to buy, build, and implement a tracking system to ensure a child is tracked from birth through 5. Oh those of you who like to home births, no more. You can track a child that doesn’t enter the system! First new law no homebirths.
Then comes a question near to many of our hearts what about a special needs child. I have found that the government truly believes that no parent can handle a special needs child without their help. They want to send them immediately to state run programs, then into special pre-K funneling into special education until they graduate and go to a state supported home. The parents that stand up and say no are looked at as odd “you like being a martyr”, stupid “you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into” or criminal “what you are doing to that child is horrible!” What? Choosing to keep my child home and develop a loving effective program to help them learn and thrive. Seems like good parenting to me! Nope sorry no more of that self lead stuff. Now all children with special needs from zero on will have a team supporting them. You now have to have an IEP.
Now come one of the gems of the Zero to Five program The Nurse-Family Partnership.
The Nurse-Family Partnership, for example, provides home visits by trained registered nurses to low-income expectant mothers and their
families. The trained nurses use proven methods to help improve the mental and physical health of the
family by providing counseling on substance abuse, creating and achieving personal goals, and teaching
effective methods to nurture children. (emphasis mine)
Now the question that pops into my mind is WHO is doing the training and HOW are they trained. My guess and I think it’s a safe one. They will be trained in a non-religious, politically correct environment. Perhaps even training them the idea that involving the child protective services early in high stress situations is best (though completely subjective.) EXCEPT that pesky idea that you are innocent until proven guilty or even just the idea you can’t be punished for something you haven’t done.
The next thing that bothers me is “creating and achieving personal goals.” Is this a nurse helping the health side of parenting. Is this a mental health professional assisting with life management. Is this a nurse that is going to be visiting the home every week for all 5 years?
Second law ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. Enter into a world where your child has the right to decide or have decided for them by a benevolent…nurse? whether they need to attend worship, where they school, where they live…. Your parental rights will no longer be valid. Not to worry we have auntie Nurse who has been in the home since birth and she or he knows this child well enough to “help” them make these decisions.
Proven benefits of these types of programs include improved
women’s prenatal health, a reduction in childhood injuries, fewer unintended pregnancies, increased
involvement of fathers and increased maternal employment, reduced use of welfare and food stamps,
and increased children’s school readiness.
I see now. You want to engineer families to meet with acceptable standards. Less children. More working.
Then they end with the money aspect. If doing this program to help children isn’t enough for you, show me the money.
“Researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
concluded that these programs produced an average of five dollars in savings for every dollar invested
and produced more than $28,000 in net savings for every high-risk family enrolled in the program.”
I knew about this paper before when I researched Obama during the election. I didn’t think much of it then. Sure he might be elected but the balance of powers would help to stop radical non-American ideas. WRONG just ask Government Motors. I really think we need to take this as seriously as possible and know that come November we HAVE to put a roadblock in this administrations way to protect our freedoms and rights as American citizens. To raise our children the way we see fit. To live our lives as we wish. Please get out to vote in November!!!
Heather Laurie says
UGH a thought just hit me after I posted this. If they are going to help with “unintended pregnancies” are they offering abortions and birth control? Will the “auntie nurse” watch the kids while mom’s goes to the abortion clinic? OH my stomach is churning.
Sarah at SmallWorld says
Thanks for submitting this to the carnival of homeschooling!