Always on the look out for assistance and fresh content with my homeschooling life. As part of the The Schoolhouse Review crew I got to review I found not only fresh content, a Christian Curriculum, but back up for our homeschooling journey right at my fingertips.
I asked Grace to look through the Middle School/High School page of subjects available. She loved the idea of Violin but we didn’t have a violin for her to work with. Since the classes are archived I had to promise to get her a violin for next semester. We will be back violin class!
Now with Grace’s full attention and excitement primed she chose a photography class. Surprise I actually have a great camera from last Christmas. I am rather inept with it so I am thrilled to have a daughter taking an interest!
As I helped her start up I realized that I liked the class too. Hmmm After the holidays I think I am going to read through the 2 months of archived classes for myself!
See the huge perk to the ARCHIVING!!! is a multi-age multi-ability website. You can pick from the littlest learners in Pre K- K up to Middle School/High School and let’s not forget mom and dad can find material to help them in their homeschooling pursuit.
You might find it very interesting that there is a specific section dedicated to Special Needs homeschoolers! From the annual The Old Schoolhouse Planner- Special Needs edition to hands on lessons for specific learning disabilities and archived magazine articles, EXPO talks just for Special Needs homeschoolers!
I liked the idea of having classes per week that I didn’t have to slave over but taught high quality interesting content from a Christian perspective. Some of the lessons come with a video to watch, such as there is high school Spanish with videos so you are sure to correctly pronounce the language. I also like for some classes that I can simply print off the lesson plan and work it into our week without much prep work. I started geography with the kids when the map of the US circulated drawn (poorly) by college kids. Frankly I am determined that my kids are as map literate. has a large section of geography (among MANY other subjects). I now have a lesson plan for my big dreams.
Here is a small selection of subjects available:
- Classical History
- Writing
- Reading Lessons
- Hands on Hebrew
- Geography
- Schoolhouse PreSchool
- Guitar
- Reading Lists
- Contests
Other things I like. You can have a middle-schooler in the front room on the computer reading her lesson and a high schooler on the other computer reading her lesson at the same time. Oh yes, large families this means money and time savings.
As for what can you get from this website mom/dad you can get encouragement and support. The things that led me to The Old Schoolhouse years ago to write an article. I felt they did a great job meeting the parents in the trenches and helping them out. Now I know that is because they are or have been homeschoolers themselves.
You are getting access to for all year long. Every single day. Round the clock accessibility! Frankly I need that round the clock accessibility. That way I can hop on and get work done or read the lesson plans to get a step ahead when sleep isn’t coming or I finally have some mommy time… at 2am. 😀
Price- Yearly Membership Option: $139 for December there is a Buy One Get One Free!!! Buy year for you and give a year to a friend! Just in time for Christmas.
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